
9 Post-Purchase Email Examples That Retain Customers

As a business owner, the moment a customer makes a purchase is the culmination of all the work you have done. But what about after that moment? 

How do you make it a positive experience for the customer? 

You can send them a post-purchase email with the shipping information and a thank you message.

It doesn’t stop there. To bag repeat purchases, you have to keep them engaged and keep your brand at the top of their mind. 

This blog will walk you through different post-purchase email examples that have a unique objective but ultimately maximize customer retention. You will also learn how to set up a post-purchase email campaign and send a series of emails.

What is a Post-Purchase Email?

A post-purchase email is any email that a business sends after a customer purchases a product. Its purpose is to nurture and retain customers through constant communication. 

Some of the after-purchase emails are transactional in nature – like order confirmation emails and shipping information emails. Other email campaigns are thank you emails, referral emails, educational emails, and cross-sell emails. 

Sending a post-purchase email depends upon where the customer is in the sales funnel. For example, you can’t send a referral email or a loyalty reward email to a new customer. 

Benefits of Sending a Post-Purchase Email in Ecommerce

The repeat customers are the ones who liked your products and how you treated them. A post-purchase email plays a role in both. 

For example, an order confirmation email gives reassurance, a feedback request email makes them feel heard, or an educational/how-to information email helps them use the product effectively. Similarly, every email contributes to the post-purchase experience of the customer. 

Apart from enhancing customer experience through email marketing, here are some of the benefits of sending a post-purchase email:

  • Customer retention 
    The more you engage the customer, the longer they stay with you. 
    You can achieve this by sending a post-purchase email at every step of the customer’s journey. You can drive repeat purchases from them if you showcase related products and offer special deals in your emails. 
  • Cross-selling and upselling
    Recommending additional products in your post-purchase email that complement the original purchase can result in cross-selling.
    Include exclusive offers, how-to guides, and loyalty rewards in your post-purchase email to increase the order value. 
  • Gathers feedback and reviews
    As every customer reads reviews before making a purchase, a post-purchase email asking for a product review can be highly effective and also make the customer feel heard and valued. 
  • Increases brand loyalty
    You can increase brand loyalty among customers by building long-term customer relationships with follow-up emails.
    As a result of the positive post-purchase experience customers get through your emails, they tend to stay long and trust your products. 

9 Post-Purchase Email Examples

Let’s look at these post-purchase email examples in detail and why they stand out.

1. Order confirmation email

As an ecommerce store owner, an order confirmation is the first post-purchase email you send to a customer shortly after purchase. 

It carries reassurance that the order has been placed and the necessary information about the order, like order details, transaction summary, and billing address. 

Here is an example from Crocs.

Order confirmation post-purchase email template

This order follow-up email example from Crocs ticks all the boxes – included the status of the order, order details along with an option to cancel if the customer finds any discrepancies, an image of the product ordered and its details, and a clear CTA to view the order details on the website. 

What to add to your order confirmation emails?

  • Status of the order 
  • Information about future updates – when will they receive mail for future updates?
  • Payment Summary
  • CTA to revisit the order details on the website. 

2. Thank you email

A post-purchase thank-you email is the first step in establishing a bond with the customer that goes beyond the transactional relationship. 

While crafting a thank you email after a purchase, you have to remember that it is a place to express gratitude and appreciation for choosing your brand. 

Here is an example by Coffee Lab. 

Thank you after-purchase email template

This after-purchase email example does best in expressing gratitude and setting the stage for the next conversation. 

What to add to your Thank you email?

  • A heartfelt thank you message
  • Clear instructions on what will happen next
  • Brief summary of what they purchased 
  • A gentle invitation to give feedback about the product. 

3. Educational / How-to information emails

A good post-purchase experience relies on how satisfied the customer is with the quality and utility of the product. To enhance the latter, you can send educational emails like how-to guides, including various use cases, steps, and instructions.

Here is an example of a how-to information email. 

How-to information after-purchase email template

This email template rightly addresses what the customer’s concerns would be while using the product and gives a solution for that. 

Your email should do so, too. Knowing how customers would use and interact with your product will help you to pull this off. 

What to add to your how-to information emails?

  • If you have a video or blog where you have explained in detail, include it with innovative CTAs like “Teach me more, please” and “Show me how.”
  • Include a step-by-step guide if necessary.
  • Include images or diagrams to illustrate complex steps.
  • Allow customers to reach out with further questions. 

4. Feedback request email

Trust building is an important part of email marketing and creating post-purchase engagement. A way to do this is to hear their feedback and make them feel heard.  

A feedback request order follow-up email that addresses this should be a must-have in your post-purchase email flow. 

Here is an example by Everlane. 

Feedback request post-purchase email template

This after-purchase email example gives the impression that they genuinely care for the customer’s opinion and are willing to improve their service. 

The word “Everlane Community” immediately would make the customer feel they belong, and their opinion can leave an impact. 

What to add to your feedback request email?

  • Explain how their feedback will directly contribute to improving the products.
  • Include a direct link to a feedback form or survey.
  • Let them know how long it will take to complete the feedback.
  • Mention the specific product or service they used – in our example, they used images of the products. 

5. Cross-sell and upsell emails

You wouldn’t want to waste an opportunity to promote your products and lay the groundwork for the next purchase. 

A post-purchase cross-sell email does exactly that. 

Prompting the customer to make the next purchase is an important step in the post-purchase flow. This time, we are aiming for a higher-value product.

Here is how Adidas does it.

Cross-sell after-purchase email template

The tagline “Complete your look” says the whole story. Your emails should contain the items that are complementary to the previously purchased product.              

What to add to your post-purchase cross-sell email?

  • Add a brief introduction to remind the customer of their previous purchase or interaction.
  • Highlighted products you are trying to cross-sell or upsell by including high-quality images and descriptions.
  • Clearly state the benefits of the upsell or cross-sell products.
  • Provide an exclusive discount or bundle deal to encourage the purchase. 

6. Reminder emails

Post-purchase engagement includes offering various deals and offers to customers to buy more. It’s not a guarantee that a customer will take action in the first offer email. A reminder post-purchase email that evokes more curiosity and urgency about the offer would do the trick.

Here is a post-purchase example by Selfmade. 

Reminder post-purchase email template

It hits the spot with the word “Last chance” right away and goes on to mention the value they get by availing of this offer. 

Additionally, it has a “How it works” section explaining how the offer works. 

What to add to your reminder email? 

  • Evoke urgency by mentioning the time left to grab the deal.
  • Mention the benefits of availing of the offer. 
  • A CTA that takes them straight to the product page. 
  • Clearly state the offer details, including what it is for and how to redeem it.

7. Referral emails

You would have gained customers who are satisfied with your product and have made repeat purchases. It is time to turn them into your brand advocates and incentivize them to do so through referral emails

This email marketing strategy allows the customer to have a real connection with the products, which is an important part of the post-purchase experience. 

Here is an example by Lumina. 

Referral post-purchase email template

What we love about this post-purchase email template is that it sends the message loud and clear by mentioning the benefits and how the referral program works. 

What to add to your referral email?

  • Mention the benefits of both the referrer and the referred. 
  • Provide an option to share it on social media. 
  • Provide an easy way to get the invite link.
  • A how-to work section to clear any doubts. 

8. Loyalty program invitation emails

The moment a customer refers their friend and also a repeat purchaser, you can put them in a “high-value customer” or “VIP Customer” box and invite them to your loyalty program

You need to make those customers feel acknowledged and validated as part of your post-purchase engagement by sending loyalty program invitation emails. 

Here is an example by Weldon Blue. 

Loyalty program order follow-up email template

This after-purchase email is perfectly structured, explaining what the benefits are and how you can move to the next tier. 

This email marketing template also motivates the customer to move to the next tier by clearly distinguishing the perks. 

What to add to your loyalty program invitation email?

  • Clearly outline the benefits of the program.
  • Explain how customers can earn points or rewards.
  • Detail any tiers or levels in the program and the benefits of each.
  • Explain how and where points or rewards can be redeemed.

9. Win-back emails

Some customers stay, and some lapse. This is part of any post-purchase email marketing sequence.

But you can still get them back into your fold with a win-back email sent after more than 90 days of inactivity. 

Here is a post-purchase email example by PrintFresh.

Win-back post-purchase email template

Maybe they lapsed, expecting more from you. Include what they have missed in the “What’s new” section and provide them a comeback offer. 

What to add to your win-back email?

  • An emotional message conveying their presence is missed.
  • Provide an exclusive offer to entice them back.
  • Reiterate the benefits of your products or services.
  • Include customer testimonials or reviews to rebuild trust and credibility.

There you have it – 9 best post-purchase email examples and the reasons why they stand out. 

Best Practices for Creating Post-Purchase Email Campaigns

The post-purchase follow-up email templates we have seen so far are not sent in silos. They are part of various email campaigns with a unique objective to meet. Every email has a different intent and a different customer base to engage. 

To run a successful post-purchase email campaigns, you need to answer:

  • Where are your customers in the sales funnel? 
  • How can I craft a relevant post-purchase email to every customer based on that?
  • Is it enough to send one email, or is a series of emails necessary?

Here are some best practices you can follow to help you tackle these while creating your order follow-up email campaigns. 

  • Segment your customers.
    As a WooCommerce or Shopify store owner, sending relevant emails is the ultimate way to provide post-purchase engagement. 

    Use customer data to create segments based on demographics, behavior, purchase history, and email engagement. 

    For example, you can segment your customers based on purchase frequency to determine which type of post-purchase email to send – a loyalty reward email to a repeat purchaser or a win-back email to an inactive customer. 

    Many email marketing tools let you create these segments based on the criteria to set and send relevant emails to every segment. 
  • Leverage email automation
    Your post-purchase email campaigns can run on their own. There are many email automation tools that will automate every step of your post-purchase email marketing sequence. 

    Many of the tools will help you send automated order follow-up email series based on pre-built workflows with triggers, conditions, and wait time. 

    You can also add a post-purchase email sequence to the workflow that is sent after a specific time and triggered by a specific event. 

    For example, set a trigger for a thank you email immediately after purchase, a how-to information email a few days later, followed by cross-sell recommendations after a week.
  • Personalize your emails.
    In email marketing, there is no better way to create ultimate post-purchase engagement than personalizing your emails because no one loves a typical, irrelevant email that has no tinge of personalization. 

    Segmenting your customers is half of the job done. All you have to do is craft post-purchase emails based on the characteristics of the segmentation criteria. 

    Suppose your criterion is based on the purchase of a specific product. You can craft a post-purchase message, including the specific product details and images to make it personalized.
  • Timing and Frequency.
    Time your emails to correspond with the customer’s post-purchase experience. Sending them frequently and at inappropriate times might create fatigue. 

    There is an appropriate time for sending every post-purchase email. 

    For example, to send a feedback request email, you have to wait at least two weeks and give them enough time to use and form an opinion. A how-to information email should be sent within a week after the purchase. 
  • Incentivize for further action.
    Offering incentives to encourage repeat purchases should be part of your post-purchase email campaigns. 

    You can suggest related products in your post-purchase message based on their purchase history with a special offer attached or introduce a loyalty program where points can lead to discounts or free products.

Along with these best strategies, measuring the effectiveness of your post-purchase email strategy and tweaking these practices to get better outcomes is important. 

How to Send a Post-Purchase Follow-up Email with Retainful?

Retainful is an all-in-one email marketing automation platform available for both Shopify and WooCommerce. You can create post-purchase email automation effortlessly with features like pre-built workflows and segmentation. 

Also, there are numerous ready-made email templates and drag-and-drop email editor to craft post-purchase emails with ease.

Here is a glance at how you can create a post-purchase email flow using Retainful. 

Step 1: Select a type of post-purchase campaign

Let’s choose order follow-up emails, where you can send a series of emails containing order confirmation emails, shipping information emails, how-to information emails, and review request emails in a single post-purchase workflow. 

Retainful post-purchase email campaigns

Step 2: Set up the automation workflow

Triggers and wait time are important features in executing email marketing automation. Triggers are the events that determine when the customer should enter the workflow, and wait time denotes how long they should wait before receiving an email. 

In our case, the order follow-up email flow is triggered automatically when a customer places an order successfully, and that particular customer will enter the workflow. 

Retainful order follow-up email workflow

Also, you can set your own trigger values, entry rules, and customer rules. 

Setting triggers, entry rules in Retainful

Step 3: Setting the wait time 

Next comes the wait time. 

Wait time is how long the customer should wait before receiving an email. 

Setting wait time in Retainful

Step 4: Editing the email content

Next comes the email block, where you can edit the email content, change the template, and add elements like images of product items, discount coupons, unsubscribe option, and more. 

Editing post-purchase email content in Retainful

Step 5: Setting up a post-purchase email series

To send a series of order follow-up emails, you have to edit the wait time (how long a customer has to wait after the order confirmation email) and edit the email content of the next email block in the workflow.

You can see in the below image that the next email is about product tips. If you want to send another email, like a thank you email before the product tips email, you add a custom email block and edit the email content. 

This way, you can alter the pre-designed post-purchase email sequence to send emails of your choice. 

This is how you can set up a post-purchase email flow using Retainful’s email marketing automation feature. 

Post-purchase email flow in Retainful

Wrapping up!!

Post-purchase email is a crucial part of engaging a customer to achieve customer retention and drive repeat sales for your business.

To this end, this blog equipped you with the necessary knowledge about types of post-purchase emails, how to set up post-purchase email campaigns, and how you can leverage automation to send a series of them. 

Also, read

What is a post-purchase email flow?

A post-purchase email flow is a series of automated emails sent to customers after they make a purchase. Examples include order confirmation, shipping updates, and feedback requests. The aim is to encourage repeat purchases by engaging them periodically.

How to write a post-purchase email?

A post-purchase email should thank the customer, confirm their order details, and provide any necessary information about shipping, delivery, and customer support.

What is an example of a post-purchase message?

An example of a post-purchase message, specifically an email, could be a thank-you note combined with an order confirmation. The message gives reassurance to the customer that their order has been placed successfully and expresses gratitude. 

What is the open rate for post-purchase emails?

Post-purchase emails have a 40.5% open rate. Meanwhile, common marketing emails have an average open rate of 20.94%.

What are the objectives of post-purchase engagement?

The objectives are increased customer retention, building brand loyalty, encouraging repeat purchases, cross-selling, and up-selling. 

What are the stages of the post-purchase process?

The stages are order confirmation, shipping and delivery, feedback and review, additional offers and incentives, loyalty boost, and re-engagement campaigns. 

What is the role of post-purchase promotion?

Post-purchase promotion plays several crucial roles in the overall marketing and customer retention strategies of a business like encouraging repeat purchases, strengthening customer loyalty, driving long-term engagement and increasing customer life time value. 

Picture of Dakshaya Pranavi
Dakshaya Pranavi
A Computer Science Engineer who loves to write. More often than not you would find me reading books – delving into History and Astrophysics. Through reading, I found that writing is my game. And, here we are.

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