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10 Best WordPress Email Marketing Plugins

In a sea of WordPress email marketing plugins, the real challenge isn’t finding one – it’s choosing the one that not only fits your unique needs and budget but also feels tailor-made for your mission.

These WordPress email plugins help you streamline your marketing efforts. With minimal effort, you can send emails at every step of the customer journey.

Some are designed specifically for WordPress, and some have great features but score low at ease of use.

To save from the paradox of choice, we have listed the 10 best WordPress email marketing plugins, analyzed their features, and weighed them against their cons.

Let’s dive right in.

What is a WordPress Email Marketing Plugin?

WordPress email marketing plugin is a tool for creating, sending, and analyzing email campaigns on WordPress. It offers features like automated emails, subscriber segmentation, and performance insights.

One of the key benefits of using the best WordPress plugin for email marketing is the seamless integration with your existing website. This integration enables you to easily capture leads through forms and pop-ups that will be directly synced with your email list.

Native WordPress email marketing plugin vs. SaaS email marketing plugin

WordPress email marketing plugins can be categorized into two types: those that integrate directly with WordPress and standalone SaaS applications.

The first type is designed to work seamlessly within the WordPress ecosystem. These plugins are installed and managed directly from the WordPress dashboard, making it easy for users to do WordPress email marketing without leaving their website’s backend.

On the other hand, SaaS-based email marketing solutions offer their services independently but can be connected to WordPress websites. These WordPress plugins usually provide a broader range of advanced features, including sophisticated automation workflows, detailed analytics, and comprehensive CRM integrations.

While direct integrations offer convenience and simplicity, SaaS apps offer advanced capabilities and scalability that can grow with your business, ideal for those looking to take their WordPress email marketing to new heights.

How to Choose the Best Email Marketing Plugin for WordPress?

For businesses leveraging WordPress and WooCommerce, choosing the best WordPress plugin for email marketing will satisfy all your marketing needs, save you time, and help set your email marketing strategies in motion.

Here are the factors to consider when choosing the best WordPress email marketing plugin:

  • Easy-to-setup automation workflows
    With the right WordPress email marketing automation plugin, setting up automated email campaigns becomes a breeze.
    Whether it’s a welcome series for new subscribers, a birthday discount, or a follow-up email after a purchase, or a series of abandoned cart reminders email automation ensures that your customers receive timely and relevant communications without you having to manually send out each email.
  • Seamless integration with WooCommerce
    The best WordPress email marketing plugins offer seamless integration with WordPress and WooCommerce, allowing you to sync customer data effortlessly.
    This means you can automatically segment your email lists based on purchase history, customer behavior, and other relevant criteria directly from your store’s data.
  • Ease of use
    The ideal plugin should have an intuitive interface, making it easy for you to create, manage, and track your email campaigns without a steep learning curve.
    To enhance your productivity, the WordPress email plugin should have a user-friendly drag-and-drop email builder, pre-designed templates, and easy customization options.
  • Deliverability
    Email deliverability is critical to ensure your messages reach your customer’s inboxes. So, choose the best WordPress plugin for email marketing backed by a reliable email service provider (ESP) with a strong reputation for deliverability.
    This minimizes the chances of your emails being flagged as spam.
  • Comprehensive analysis and reporting
    Analysis and reporting tools allow you to understand how your audience interacts with your emails.
    Insights into open rates, click-through rates, conversion rates, and bounce rates provide valuable feedback on what resonates with your audience.
  • Pricing
    Finally, consider the WordPress email plugin’s pricing structure. While free plugins are available, they may lack advanced features and support.
    A premium full-service WordPress email marketing tool offers more sophisticated functionalities but ensures the cost aligns with your budget and the expected return on investment (ROI).

10 Best WordPress Email Marketing Plugins

  1. Retainful
  2. Hubspot WordPress Plugin
  3. Mailchimp for WordPress
  4. MailPoet
  5. Brevo
  6. Optinmonster
  7. Newsletter
  8. Constant Contact
  9. Mailster
  10. NotifyVisitors

1. Retainful

Retainful is the best free WordPress email marketing plugin that helps you streamline your email marketing in WooCommerce. It provides a cost-effective solution to all your email marketing needs – from email automation to creating personalized emails. It has it all.

This WordPress email marketing automation plugin features seamless email automation, which allows you to launch all types of email campaigns based on customer actions with minimal effort from your end. The email automation proves easy to set up with pre-designed workflows and an intuitive interface.

Retainful offers advanced segmentation options to group your customers based on various criteria and send them personalized emails that suit each segment.

This best free email marketing plugin for WordPress has an abandoned cart recovery feature that allows you to send multiple abandoned cart reminders that are triggered automatically at well-timed intervals.

Coming to crafting emails, it has a drag-and-drop email editor, and pre-designed templates to make the job easier for you.

If you want an all-in-one solution to help you from acquiring customers to retaining them, Retainful would be the best choice.



  • A free version is available
  • Starter at $9/month
  • Growth plan at $19/month
  • Professional plan at $49/month

2. Hubspot WordPress Plugin

HubSpot is not just an email marketing tool for WordPress; it’s a comprehensive CRM platform. This integration allows for seamless synchronization of customer data across your marketing, sales, and service efforts, providing a 360-degree view of customer interactions.

HubSpot offers a suite of tools including content management, social media marketing, SEO, and analytics. This means you can manage much of your online marketing from one place, ensuring a cohesive strategy across all channels.

This WordPress email marketing plugin excels at segmenting your audience based on a variety of criteria and personalizing email content to suit these segments.

Due to its comprehensive nature, there can be a learning curve in fully utilizing all of its capabilities. Businesses new to advanced email marketing practices may need time to leverage the platform fully.

Hubspot WordPress email marketing plugin


  • $800/month – Professional
  • $3,600/month – Enterprise

3. Mailchimp for WordPress

Mailchimp is the best free email marketing plugin for WordPress that offers a wide range of features, including email automation, advanced segmentation, A/B testing, comprehensive analytics, and an extensive library of templates.

This complete suite allows businesses to execute sophisticated marketing strategies that are typically only available with more expensive enterprise solutions.

While the basic features are straightforward, leveraging Mailchimp’s more advanced capabilities, such as detailed segmentation and automation workflows, may require a bit of a learning curve.

The free tier of this WordPress plugin for email marketing can be an excellent starting point for small businesses or startups looking for a cost-effective email marketing service.

Mailchimp email marketing plugin for WordPress


  • A free plan is available.
  • $4.53/month – 5000 emails
  • $6.91/month – 6000 emails
  • $138.10/month – 150000 emails

4. MailPoet

Unlike many of its competitors, MailPoet is not just compatible with WordPress; it’s built for WordPress.

With this WordPress plugin, you can manage your email campaigns directly from your WordPress dashboard, eliminating the need to juggle multiple platforms.

Compared to specialized email marketing platforms, this native WordPress email marketing solution might lack some advanced features such as detailed behavior tracking, extensive third-party integrations, and deep analytics that larger businesses may require for more sophisticated marketing strategies.

For businesses that might consider moving away from WordPress in the future, this best WordPress email marketing plugin offers tight integration with the CMS means that transitioning to a new platform could require significant effort to migrate email marketing operations.

Mailpoet email marketing plugin for WordPress


  • Free – 1000 subscribers
  • $10 – 500 subscribers and unlimited emails
  • $30/month – 500 subscribers/website

5. Brevo

Brevo is a native WordPress email marketing plugin that caters to WordPress users needing simple email marketing capabilities. It offers basic tools for creating email campaigns.

Features like drag-and-drop email builders and customizable templates make it easy to design compelling emails that engage and convert.

Understanding what works and what doesn’t is vital. This best free email marketing plugin for WordPress provides comprehensive A/B testing tools and detailed analytics, allowing you to test different email elements and track performance metrics.

The wide array of features and tools may present a learning curve for some users, especially those new to WordPress email marketing.

Brevo WordPress email marketing plugin


  • A free plan is available
  • $25 – 20k emails/month
  • $65 – 20k emails/month + A/B Testing

6. OptinMonster

OptinMonster excels as an email marketing WordPress plugin, offering innovative features like exit-intent technology, advanced segmentation, and a variety of lead generation forms.

The best email marketing plugin for WordPress offers detailed targeting options based on location, site behavior, and device type, ensuring that your messages reach the right audience at the right time.

Apart from WordPress email marketing features, OptinMonster excels at converting visitors into subscribers and customers. Its array of lead generation tools, including lightbox popups, floating bars, and slide-ins, are designed to capture attention and encourage action.

The A/B testing functionality allows you to experiment with different strategies and content, helping you understand what works best for your audience.

For small businesses or those just starting out, the pricing of this WordPress email marketing automation plugin might be a bit steep, especially when compared to free or lower-cost alternatives.

Optinmonster WordPress email  marketing plugin


  • $9/month – 1 site + 2500 pageviews
  • $19/month – 2 sites + 10,000 pageviews
  • $29/month – 3 sites + 25,000 pageviews

7. Newsletter

As a native WordPress email marketing plugin, Newsletter simplifies email campaign management directly from WordPress.

This best free email marketing plugin for WordPress also comes with a built-in CRM system that allows you to manage your subscribers efficiently. You can segment your audience based on various criteria, including behavior and demographics, directly within your WordPress site.

The WordPress plugin offers several options to grow your email list, including customizable subscription forms and widgets. You can place these on your site to capture leads and integrate them directly into your email campaigns.

Unlike many other email marketing plugins for WordPress, Newsletter doesn’t put a cap on the number of emails you can send or the number of subscribers you can have. This is especially beneficial for growing businesses that don’t want to pay more for expanding their reach.

Newsletter plugin for WordPress


  • A free plan is available
  • $79/year – 3 sites

8. Constant Contact

Constant Contact’s plugin for WordPress simplifies the process of capturing leads from your website. You can easily add signup forms and integrate them with your pages, ensuring a smooth user experience and effective list building.

This WordPress email marketing automation plugin goes beyond email marketing by providing CRM features that allow you to manage your contacts more efficiently.

You can segment your audience based on their interactions, preferences, and behaviors, enabling targeted and personalized marketing campaigns.

With an array of customizable email templates, drag-and-drop editor, and automated email sequences, creating professional and engaging emails becomes easier.

Constant contact WordPress email marketing plugin


  • $12/month – 10x your number of contacts
  • $35/month – 12x your number of contacts
  • $80/month – 24x your number of contacts

9. Mailster

While several plugins offer email automation, Mailster’s automation capabilities are deeply integrated with WordPress actions and triggers, such as user registrations, comments, or WooCommerce transactions.

This full-service email marketing plugin for WordPress also excels in automation, offering users the ability to set up automated welcome emails, follow-up sequences, and behavioral triggers. These features save time and ensure that subscribers receive personalized content at the right time.

For businesses that are used to the breadth of features offered by dedicated SaaS email marketing services, Mailster might feel limited in comparison, especially regarding advanced analytics and A/B testing capabilities.

This WordPress plugin for email marketing offers a one-time purchase model that can offer significant savings over time compared to subscription-based services, making it an attractive option for budget-conscious users.

Mailster email plugin for WordPress


  • $79/year – 3 automations
  • $99/year – 10 automations

10. Notifyvisitors

NotifyVisitors is an email marketing WordPress plugin that provides email automation tools that help save time and increase efficiency. From welcome emails to re-engagement campaigns, the platform enables users to set up complex automation workflows with ease.

This WordPress email plugin excels in allowing marketers to create highly targeted email campaigns. With its advanced segmentation capabilities, users can filter their audience based on behavior, purchase history, and other custom attributes.

For small businesses or startups, the cost might be a consideration. While this best WordPress plugin for email marketing offers a range of powerful features, it is crucial to ensure the pricing aligns with your budget and ROI expectations.

Notify visitors WordPress plugin for email marketing


  • A free plan is available
  • $300/month – 50,000 contacts

Wrapping up!!

Each WordPress email marketing plugin comes with its unique set of features, strengths, and limitations, catering to different needs and levels of expertise. If you need to carry out email marketing without leaving your WordPress dashboard, choose a native WordPress email marketing plugin or an all-in-one solution that has advanced features, and choose a standalone plugin like Retainful.

Whether you prioritize ease of use, advanced segmentation, comprehensive analytics, or seamless CRM integration, there is a plugin for you.

How do I create an email marketing in WordPress?

To create an email marketing campaign in WordPress, you’ll need to select an email marketing plugin, install it, and set it up with your email service provider.
Then, design your email using the plugin’s templates and tools, segment your audience as needed, and schedule or send your campaign directly from your WordPress dashboard.

What is the email plugin for WordPress?

An email plugin for WordPress is a tool designed to integrate with your WordPress site to enhance email marketing efforts. It enables you to send newsletters, automate emails, manage subscribers, and track the performance of your email campaigns directly from your WordPress admin area.

What is the best free plugin for WordPress?

The best free plugin for WordPress often depends on your specific needs, but Retainful gives you comprehensive features like sign-up forms, email automation, segmentation, and pop-ups at a fair price.

How do I collect emails for email marketing in WordPress?

To collect emails for marketing in WordPress, use a plugin that creates signup forms or popups. Place these forms strategically across your site – on your homepage, blog, and sidebar.

Does WordPress have email automation?

Yes, WordPress supports email automation through various plugins. These plugins allow you to set up automated welcome emails, follow-up messages, and targeted campaigns based on user behavior or milestones.