Automate Email Marketing and Boost Sales.

Automate email marketing and boost sales

How to Customize Email Content in WooCommerce?

Customizing WooCommerce email content might seem like a techie task, but it’s really not. 

Your inbox is a busy place, and generic emails often end up lost in the crowd. If you have ever received a custom WooCommerce email that made you click ‘buy’ without a second thought, you already know the power of a custom email template in WooCommerce. 

Imagine receiving an email that addresses you by name and suggests products you’re genuinely interested in. This level of personal touch doesn’t just grab attention; it boosts trust, loyalty, and, ultimately, increases overall sales.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps of editing WooCommerce email content. No fancy jargon – just simple steps to help you create WooCommerce emails customized that excite your customers to open and shop. 

Customize email templates and content with the user-friendly drag-and-drop email editor of Retainful and easily grab the attention of customers.

Why customize WooCommerce email content?

  1. Stand Out in the Crowd: Customized WooCommerce email content look and feel unique. They grab attention in the sea of inbox messages. People are more likely to open and engage with emails that stand out.
  2. Connect with Your Brand: Customized email templates in WooCommerce shout your brand’s personality loud and clear. This consistent connection builds trust and keeps your brand in the spotlight.
  3. Personal Touch: Imagine an email addressing you by name and recommending products you actually want. Email customizers for WooCommerce let you tailor content, making customers feel special and understood.
  4. Boosted Click Rates: Edit WooCommerce email content to include links people want to click. With tailored content, you guide customers towards products they’re keen on, increasing click-through rates.
  5. Higher Sales Potential: Customers are more likely to make purchases when emails resonate. When you edit WooCommerce email content based on past purchases or browsing history can drive up those sales numbers.
  6. Loyalty & Repeat Business: A custom email template in WooCommerce gives a personalized experience and makes customers want to stick around. Making them feel valued makes them more likely to return for more purchases.
  7. Boosts Revenue: All these benefits combine to do one big thing: increase revenue. WooCommerce email template customization is a strategic step towards more sales and income.

Default Types of WooCommerce emails

  1. New Account Welcome Email: Sent right when a customer creates an account. Greets them and gives account details.
  2. Order Confirmation Email: Sent after a customer buys something. Makes sure the order details are right and gives a reference for later.
  3. Order Cancellation Email: Sent if a customer or the store cancels an order. Confirms the cancellation and refund details. 
  4. Order Status Update Email: Sent if things change with an order like it’s being made, sent, or handed over.
  5. Delivery Confirmation Email: Sent when your stuff gets to the customer. Makes sure they know it’s there.
  6. Refund Confirmation Email: Sent when you get a refund for something you sent back. Confirms the refund amount and payment method. 
  7. Password Reset Email: Sent when you forget your password. Gives a link to create a new one. 
  8. Abandoned Cart Reminder Email: Sent if you add things to the cart and don’t buy. Encourages you to finish the purchase. 

Related Reading: Learn how to automate WooCommerce emails with simple steps

Customizing default WooCommerce emails

You can edit WooCommerce email content and make the template look different by using the default method to change the basic look. But remember, there are not many options for changing these emails in WooCommerce.

Select WooCommerce -> Settings

Click on the Emails tab at the top. A list of emails will appear. 

Scroll down to find the Email sender options and Email template options. 

Email sender options

Edit the Email sender options – from name and address to match your brand’s needs.

Under Email Template, you can edit the Header image, Footer text, Base color, Background color, and Body background color. 

header image

To add a header image, click on media -> library -> add new

Select the image you want to add. 

Once it’s uploaded, click on the image you want and select Copy URL to clipboard

Paste that link in the header image text box.  

adding a header image

Click on Save Changes. 

The above steps are the general steps to customize all emails. If you want to edit WooCommerce email content individually, click Manage on any email to change the additional settings. 

If you can code, you can customize the email template. The first step is to copy the file into your theme. Click on Copy file to theme. 

You can also view the template by clicking on view template. 

If you don’t know how to code, then editing the template using default WooCommerce will be complicated. This is where WooCommerce email plugins step in. 

Customizing WooCommerce email content with Retainful

To customize WooCommerce email content and automate it, you have to install a WooCommerce email plugin like Retainful. This is the best WooCommerce email customizer to help you edit WooCommerce email content, template design and the rules of the automation workflow.

Installing Retainful Plugin & activating it

Go to your WordPress dashboard, search for ‘Retainful,’ and install it. To connect the WooCommerce store with Retainful, copy the API from the Retainful Dashboard and enter it in the WordPress Dashboard under the ‘Connection’ tab.

Customizing email content in WooCommerce using Retainful

Step1: Login to Retainful Dashboard and click on Automation -> Create Workflow 

Retainful dashboard

Step 2: Hover the cursor over the type of email you want and click on ‘use this template.’

Selecting the workflow

Step 3: Name the workflow and click continue. 

Workflow set up

Step 4: After setting the workflow click on the Email block in the workflow.  Edit the email Subject line, Preview the text, and click on edit email content. 

edit email content

Step 5: You can change the brand logo here and edit WooCommerce email content using drag and drop. Double-click on a block to Customize the WooCommerce email content. You can also change the Dimension, Topography, Alignment, and Background color.

drag and drop email builder

Step 6: When you are done editing WooCommerce email content, preview the customized WooCommerce email content to ensure everything is up to par, then click Save and Close.

Customize WooCommerce email content in just a few clicks with Retainful and start engaging your customers with emails that resonate.

Best Practices for Customizing WooCommerce Email Content

When it comes to making your emails stand out, following some smart tricks can work wonders. By customizing your email templates in WooCommerce, you’re making sure your messages look and feel just right.

When you customize WooCommerce email content, you give your emails a personal touch that your customers will love. So, let’s dive into the best ways to do it.

Personalizing subject lines

When you get an email with your name in the subject, it feels good, right? That’s what personalizing does. With WooCommerce, you can tweak email subject lines to catch attention. 

If it’s their birthday or a holiday, make the subject about that. Instead of sounding too formal, use words like “you” and “your.” Add words that make it seem like they need to open the email ASAP. Like saying, “Don’t miss this!” makes them curious.

Make the subject a question. People want to know the answer, so they open the email. Keep the subject short. People like quick reads, so a short subject grabs their attention better. 

Related reading: Discover 25 Best Follow-Up Email Subject Lines for E-Commerce to keep customers engaged

Inserting Dynamic Order Information

Use dynamic order information by including specific details relevant to each customer’s purchase. 

When you edit WooCommerce email content, you can pop in details specific to each customer’s order. It’s like having a conversation tailored just for them. 

Think of it as serving individualized content that aligns with the customer’s preferences.  It matches what they like, making things easier and smoother for them.

Designing Compelling Email Body

Visual aesthetics play an important role in customizing email templates in WooCommerce. Nice layouts that match your brand make emails better. 

Make sure your message is easy to understand, even with a quick scan.  Break down your content with headings and subheadings. 

Choose colors, fonts, and images that align with your brand’s identity.  Many people check emails on their phones, so ensure that the customized WooCommerce email template design looks good on smaller screens. 

If you make it look good and meaningful, you are on the right track. 

Adding Call-to-Action (CTA) Buttons

When you customize WooCommerce email content, make sure to include clear and exciting Call-to-Action buttons. 

CTA buttons boost engagement. When readers click on buttons, they’re tangibly engaging with your email. This interaction shows that your email caught their interest.

These buttons guide them to the next step: exploring a new collection or grabbing a limited-time deal. It’s all about making it easy for them to say, “Yes, I’m in!”

Related reading: Explore the best eCommerce CTA examples that would make customers finish the desired action

Testing Email Customizations

Testing your customized WooCommerce email template helps you find any technical issues and ensures everything looks spot-on. Customizing WooCommerce email content might need a bit of trial and error, but it’s worth the effort. 

Testing isn’t just for you – ask a friend or a colleague to check your customized WooCommerce email. They might catch things you missed. 

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Sometimes, things might not work as planned, and that’s okay. With WooCommerce customized email content techniques, you can tackle problems like missing images or faulty layouts. 

Test how they appear on different devices to ensure they’re readable and look good everywhere. If you’re using images in your emails, make sure they’re not too big. 

Edit WooCommerce email content, templates with CTA buttons, dynamic order information, and coupons easily with Retainful. 


Customizing your WooCommerce email content doesn’t have to be hard. You can easily add your store’s style to your emails with the tips we’ve shared. It’s all about making your brand shine in every message you send. 

If you’re hungry for more email wisdom in WooCommerce, our email marketing guide has got you covered. You’ll find everything you need to know from crafting engaging messages to increasing WooCommerce sales

So, go ahead and dive into the world of emails that truly resonate with your customers and drive your store’s success.

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How to customize WooCommerce email templates?

10 Best WooCommerce Email Marketing Plugins to Boost Sales

How do I customize my WooCommerce email template?

To customize the WooCommerce email template, click on WooCommerce > Settings > Emails and select the email template you want to customize. The options to customize an email in WooCommerce are very limited. You can install an easy-to-use plugin like Retainful to customize workflows and templates. 

How do I customize my email template?

Customizing an email template depends on the platform you’re using. For WooCommerce, go to WooCommerce > Settings > Email, choose the template, and modify it. Since the customization options are very limited and complicated in WooCommerce, you can always install an easy-to-use and affordable plugin like Retainful to customize your emails based on your brand. 

How do I customize my WooCommerce template?

Access the WooCommerce email template through WooCommerce > Settings > Email. Make adjustments to content, design, and branding as needed. If you don’t know how to code, customizing an email template can be difficult using WooCommerce. Install a plugin like Retainful to customize email templates in a few clicks. 

How do I customize my WordPress email template?

To customize your WordPress email template, you can use a plugin like “Email Customizer for WooCommerce” or “Retainful.” Install and activate the plugin, then customize your emails from the WordPress dashboard.

What is the best WooCommerce email plugin?

Retainful is recognized as the best WooCommerce email plugin, offering powerful features to enhance customer engagement and drive sales effectively.

How do I change the content of my WooCommerce email?

Go to Retainful dashboard-> Automation -> Create Workflow -> click on Email block in the workflow -> change the content of your WooCommerce email using drag and drop email editor.