Recover 30% of abandoned carts with one-click cart recovery.

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10 Best Shopify Abandoned Cart Apps to Unlock Sales

Shopify abandoned cart app is the only tool you need to recover lost due to cart abandonment. It’s straightforward and efficient and can be an absolute game-changer for your online business.

The apps help you recover Shopify abandoned checkouts and unlock the sales tied in them by sending reminders to the customers through emails, push notifications, or SMS. 

Finding the best abandoned cart app for Shopify among hundreds out there will be quite a task. So, we got the job done for you. 

This blog will walk you through the 10 best Shopify apps for abandoned cart recovery and its features. You will also learn how to choose one that best suits your business needs. 

Let’s dive right in.

How to Choose the Best Shopify Abandoned Cart App?

Selecting the best abandoned cart app for Shopify can be done by considering factors such as ease of use, cart recovery methods, customization options, email automation capabilities, integration with your store, reporting and analytics, and pricing.

  • Cart recovery method – Select an app that aligns with your preferred Shopify abandoned cart recovery strategy, like automated Shopify abandoned cart recovery emails, push notifications, retargeting ads, and SMS recovery options.
  • Integration with your store – Select a good Shopify abandoned cart app that seamlessly integrates with your store. Ensure it aligns with your existing e-commerce setup, allowing for smooth automation and efficient cart recovery without disrupting your workflow. 
  • Price structure – Many cart abandonment Shopify apps offer tiered pricing based on the number of recovered carts or the size of your contact list. Consider how the pricing scales as your business grows.

With these in mind, let’s move on to look at the best Shopify apps for abandoned cart recovery in detail. 

Related Reading: Learn about how to reduce Shopify abandoned carts in our detailed guide.

10 Best Shopify Abandoned Cart Apps

  1. Retainful
  2. Omnisend
  3. Pushowl
  4. Care Cart
  5. SMSBump
  6. Tidio
  7. Adoric
  8. Recart
  9. Carti Abandoned Cart Recovery
  10. Carthike – WhatsApp Abandoned Cart & Chat

Let’s start exploring the apps by answering a question. 

Why do you need a cart abandonment Shopify app if you can recover abandoned carts using the default cart recovery feature of Shopify?

Shopify allows you to send only a single shopping cart abandonment email after a duration you set, and the scope for customizing your emails is very minimal.

By using a Shopify app for abandoned carts, not only can you send multiple Shopify abandoned cart emails, but you can automate every step of your abandoned cart recovery journey. 

1. Retainful

Retainful is the best Shopify abandoned cart app that helps you streamline your cart recovery process. With just one click, you can deploy its pre-designed email workflows and send a sequence of perfectly timed Shopify abandoned cart emails, effortlessly bringing those lost sales back to you.

For those focusing on abandoned cart emails to recover abandoned carts in Shopify, Retainful emerges as the top choice.

This best abandoned cart app for Shopify is filled with an array of valuable features. From pre-built workflows, ready-to-use templates, exit-intent popups, and built-in analytics, it automates every step of the Shopify abandoned cart recovery process with finesse.

In this Shopify abandoned cart recovery app, setting up the abandoned cart email automation workflow is a breeze. Forget about slogging through manuals; you’ll have it up and running effortlessly using the pre-built workflows in Retainful in a few clicks.

Retainful comes with a drag-and-drop email editor that helps customize your Shopify abandoned cart recovery emails effortlessly. What’s more? To send highly personalized Shopify cart recovery emails based on cart value, it has an exclusive segmentation feature.

Apart from the abandoned cart recovery feature, it allows you to send post-purchase follow-up emails and next-order coupons and create referral programs.

Retainful abandoned cart app

Why choose this Shopify app to recover abandoned checkouts? 

  • Pre-built workflows – Create automated cart email workflows that trigger targeted and personalized emails to customers who have abandoned their carts.
  • Drag-drop email editor – This Shopify app for abandoned checkout allows you to create beautiful, professional emails without any coding effortlessly. 
  • Numerous abandoned cart email templates – It offers a wide range of pre-built customizable email templates that you can use to create your Shopify abandoned cart recovery emails. 
  • Email Segmentation – Retainful allows you to group customers by cart value and abandoned products and send personalized Shopify abandoned cart emails. 


  • A free version is available
  • Starter at $9/month
  • Growth plan at $19/month
  • Professional plan at $49/month

Recover 10-20% of your lost sales by sending abandoned cart email campaigns using Retainful.

2. Omnisend

Omnisend is a Shopify abandoned cart recovery app that helps engage customers across multiple channels like email, SMS, social media, and web push notifications. 

It provides advanced segmentation options, allowing you to target specific customer segments with tailored cart recovery messages. 

This best abandoned cart app for Shopify also allows you to insert dynamically customer names, product details, and even unique discount codes into your Shopify cart recovery emails. 

omnisend Shopify abandoned cart app

Why choose this Shopify cart abandonment app? 

  • Multi-Channel Approach – Unlike platforms focusing solely on email, Omnisend allows integration with SMS, push notifications, and even social media channels. 
  • Enhanced customer journey mapping – Omnisend’s customer journey mapping integrates various communication channels – including email, SMS, push notifications, and social media, into a single journey. 
  • Dynamic email content – This Shopify abandoned cart app dynamically includes content in your cart abandonment recovery messages like items left in the cart, suggest similar products, or offer personalized Shopify abandoned cart discounts. 
  • In-depth analytics – Omnisend allows you to track not just basic metrics like open rates and click-through rates but also more nuanced data such as conversion rates and revenue generated.


  • A free version is available (Email only)
  • Standard plan- $16/mo (Email only)
  • Pro plan- $59/month (Email + SMS)

3. Pushowl

If you are looking to recover Shopify abandoned checkouts using push notifications, this is the best app for you. 

PushOwl is a Shopify abandoned cart app specializing in browser push notifications to re-engage customers directly by delivering targeted cart abandonment reminders to their desktop or mobile devices and reducing abandoned carts in Shopify.

This best abandoned cart app for Shopify allows for high levels of customization and personalization in its notifications. You can customize the message, timing, and even the appearance of the Shopify cart recovery messages. 

pushowl Shopify abandoned cart app

Why choose this Shopify cart abandonment app?

  • Direct browser notifications – PushOwl sends notifications directly to a customer’s browser, ensuring high visibility and engagement compared to emails or SMS.
  • No need for customer email addresses: Unlike email marketing, push notifications don’t require customers to provide their email addresses. This allows you to reach a broader segment of your store visitors, including those who haven’t subscribed to your email list.
  • Segmentation and targeting – This best Shopify abandoned cart app allows the segmentation of customers based on their browsing behavior and purchase history, enabling more targeted and effective push notifications for recovering abandoned carts in Shopify.


  • A free plan is available (500 impressions/month)
  • $19 – 10k impressions/month
  • $79 – 25k impressions/month

4. Care Cart

Care Cart is a multi-channel Shopify abandoned cart app that helps you recover lost revenue by sending automated Shopify cart recovery emails, SMS, and web push notifications to customers who have abandoned their carts.

It allows for the creation of automated Shopify cart recovery emails that are triggered when a customer abandons their cart. 

This best Shopify abandoned cart app also features exit-intent cart recovery popups, which are triggered when a customer shows signs of leaving the site without completing their purchase, and reduce Shopify abandoned checkouts. 

Care Cart Shopify abandoned cart app

Why choose this best Shopify app for abandoned cart?

  • Multi-Channel Engagement – The multi-channel approach increases the chances of reaching and re-engaging customers. 
  • Persistent cart functionality – CareCart’s Persistent Cart feature ensures that a customer’s cart remains intact across different devices.
  • Email capture – Force anonymous users to provide their email before adding any products to the cart.


  • Abandoned cart recovery email App – $12/month

5. SMSBump

If your Shopify abandoned cart strategy is sending perfectly timed SMS, then this would be the best app for abandoned shopping cart recovery. 

This Shopify cart abandonment app enables store owners to set up automated SMS sequences that are triggered by cart abandonment. These sequences can be customized to send Shopify cart recovery messages at strategic intervals after a cart is abandoned.

A standout feature of this app is the ability to personalize Shopify cart abandonment recovery messages. SMSBump can include the customer’s name, specific items left in the cart, and even unique discount codes within the SMS.

SMSBump Shopify abandoned cart app

Why choose this abandoned cart recovery Shopify app?

  • Effective Link Tracking: To monitor how many recipients click on the link included in your SMS message. This way, you can get valuable insights into customer behavior and campaign effectiveness.
  • High Engagement via SMS: This best Shopify abandoned cart app leverages the high open and engagement rates of SMS, ensuring messages are seen and acted upon swiftly.


  • A free version is available.
  • Growth plan – $19/month
  • Prime – $59/month
  • Powerhouse – $199/month

6. Tidio

Tidio is a multi-channel Shopify abandoned cart app that combines live chat support with chatbots and email marketing, making it a versatile tool to engage with customers and reduce abandoned checkouts in Shopify.

Its live chat feature allows you to directly engage with customers in real-time and address the concerns that might lead to shopping cart abandonment.

tidio abandoned cart app for shopify

Why choose this Shopify app for abandoned checkouts?

Multi-Channel Engagement: By combining chatbots, live chat, and email marketing, this Shopify abandoned cart app offers a multi-channel approach to recovering abandoned carts in Shopify, increasing the chances of reaching and re-engaging customers.

Automated Chatbots – Its chatbots can initiate conversations with customers who are browsing the site when they show signs of leaving without completing their purchase.

Personalized Interaction – The chatbots in this best abandoned cart app for Shopify are capable of referencing specific items in the customer’s cart or previous browsing history, making the conversation more relevant and engaging.


  • Free – 50 Live Chat conversations
  • Starter- $29/month (100 Live Chat conversations)
  • Chatbots – $29/month (2000 Chatbot triggers)

7. Adoric

Adoric offers targeted Shopify abandoned cart pop-ups, exit-intent technology, and email campaigns for effectively recovering abandoned carts in Shopify.

A standout feature of this abandoned cart recovery Shopify app is its exit-intent technology. Identifying users who are about to leave the site allows store owners to intervene at a critical moment by engaging cart recovery pop-ups. 

Adoric Shopify abandoned cart app

Why choose this best Shopify abandoned cart app?

Exit-Intent Technology: This feature is pivotal in re-engaging customers who are about to leave the site, presenting them with compelling reasons to complete their purchase.

Event-Triggered Interactions – This best abandoned cart app for Shopify isn’t limited to exit-intent scenarios. It offers a suite of triggers like mouse clicks, page scrolls, or custom events that can be used to engage with users. 


  • A free plan is available. 
  • Basic plan – $9 /month
  • Essential plan – $29/month

8. Recart

Recart is a Shopify cart abandonment app offering SMS and email automation for effectively recovering abandoned carts in Shopify. 

This app for Shopify abandoned checkouts employs sophisticated segmentation strategies for subscribers who have added items to their carts but haven’t completed the purchase.

Recart Shopify abandoned cart app

Why choose this Shopify abandoned checkout app?

Segmented cart abandonment flows – It employs intelligent segmentation strategies, ensuring that cart abandonment reminders are sent to the right customers at the right time and recovering Shopify abandoned carts.

Personalized messaging – It sends personalized SMS messages based on customer behavior and cart contents. This personalization makes the cart abandonment reminders more relevant and effective.


  • Starter – $229/month
  • Pro – $499/month
  • Scale – $999/month

9. Carti Abandoned Cart Recovery

Carti abandoned cart recovery Shopify app uses emails, push notifications, and SMS to recover abandoned checkouts in Shopify. 

It also offers customizable message templates, allowing you to craft persuasive and relevant cart recovery messages.

carti Shopify abandoned cart app

Why choose this best abandoned cart app for Shopify?

Multi-channel approach – Carti automatically sends tailored cart abandonment reminders to customers in the form of emails, push notifications, and SMS, increasing the chances of recovering abandoned checkouts in Shopify.


  • A free plan is available. 
  • It has separate plans for email marketing, push notifications, and SMS. 

10. Carthike – WhatsApp Abandoned Cart & Chat

This best Shopify abandoned cart app offers a variety of features to recover abandoned checkouts, in Shopify including automated WhatsApp messages, a chat widget, and order tracking. 

This app also includes a marketing campaign builder that allows you to create and send personalized WhatsApp messages to your customers.

Carthike Shopify abandoned cart app

Why choose this cart abandonment Shopify app?

Intelligent Reminder System: Carthike’s standout feature is its intelligent reminder system that analyzes customer behavior on your site and tailors the reminders accordingly.


  • $0/month – 100 manual WhatsApp messages
  • $9.99/month – Unlimited manual and automated WhatsApp messages.
  • $19.99/month –  WhatsApp broadcast and automated messages. 

Shopify Abandoned Cart Apps Comparison Chart

Shopify abandoned cart appChannel for sending cart recovery messagesFree versionStand-out feature
RetainfulEmail and pop-upsEasy to set up email automation
OmnisendEmail, push notifications and SMSDynamic email content
PushowlPush notificationsTargeted push notifications
CarecartEmail, push notifications and SMSPersistent cart 
SMSBumpSMSLink tracking
TidioChatbots and emailsAI-powered chatbots
AdoricPopups and emailsSmart pop-ups and web messages
RecartSMS and emailsSophisticated segmentation 
CartiEmail, push notifications and SMSMulti-channel abandoned cart recovery
CarthikeWhatsApp messagesIntelligent reminder system and behavioral tracking.

There you have it – the 10 best Shopify abandoned cart apps analyzed and compared. Now it’s your turn to pick an app that is also an affordable Shopify abandoned cart solution that best suits your needs and scale. 

How to Recover Abandoned Carts Using an Abandoned Cart app for Shopify?

By using a Shopify abandoned cart app to recover abandoned carts, you can automate every step of your abandoned cart recovery process.

Using the Shopify abandoned cart app, Retainful, you can automate the entire abandoned cart email campaign in minutes. You can segment, automate, and personalize effortlessly and launch your Shopify cart recovery email campaign in minutes. 

Using Retainful, you can increase the chances of recovering abandoned checkouts by sending multiple Shopify abandoned cart recovery emails in a few simple steps.

Let’s get started.

Step 1: Installing Retainful

Go to the Shopify App Store. Search and install the app ‘Retainful’ and click the “Add app” button. 

Installing Retainful Shopify abandoned cart app

Once installed, you will be redirected to the Retainful dashboard, where you can begin recovering Shopify abandoned checkouts.

Make sure you enter a password for your account so that you can later log in to the Retainful dashboard directly as well. 

Related Reading: Learn how to see abandoned cart in Shopify by reading this blog. 

Step 2: Creating Shopify Abandoned Cart Email Workflow

Retainful comes with a pre-built workflow template for abandoned cart recovery on Shopify; it will come in handy if you don’t have time to create a workflow from scratch. The pre-built workflow template consists of three Shopify abandoned cart recovery emails scheduled to be sent in good time intervals.

  • Login to your Retainful dashboard
  • Go to ‘Automation’ -> Create Workflow -> Choose ‘Abandoned Cart Recovery with dynamic coupon’
Retainful Shopify abandoned cart email workflow

Give a ‘Name’ to your workflow for Shopify abandoned cart and click ‘Continue.’

recover abandoned checkouts

Step 3: Configuring the Abandoned cart recovery workflow. 

After creating the workflow, you will be taken to the page where you have to set the triggers, entry rules, customer rules, and time delay. These are the parameters that make the Shopify abandoned cart email automation run on its own. 

Configuring Shopify abandoned cart email workflow

Step 4: Editing the email content

Next in the row is the ‘Email block’. Click on the Email block to customize the Shopify abandoned cart email subject line, preview text, and email content.

Editing Shopify abandoned cart email

Click on the “Edit Email Contents” button to edit the contents of the email. This will bring up the visual of the drag-and-drop email editor. It has various elements to customize the structure and content of the emails. 

On top of that, it also has a special section for ‘Store Elements’. It has the option to include elements like Cart Summary blocks, cart items, and cart recovery URLs. These elements make the email relevant and compelling. 

Editing Shopify abandoned cart email

If you would like to change the Shopify abandoned cart email template, you can click on the ‘Change template’ button on the top left and select a template of your liking.

Just “double-click” on any content section to edit the default text on the email. 

After the first email block, we have a ‘Wait’ block for ‘1’ day. It’s ideal to send the second email a day after the first email.

Step 5: Create a series of emails 

Sometimes, it takes more than one email to convince the customers to finish the purchase and recover abandoned checkouts in Shopify. We have to follow up with a series of emails, each addressing different pain points. 

In the best Shopify abandoned cart app, Retainful, you will have a second email block followed by the coupon block. In the email template, click on the coupon block; there will be coupon settings on the right side. Click the 1st option that says, ‘Use the coupon code generated by the coupon step.’

Adding the coupon in the Retainful plugin

And you know the drill – edit your email content as per your preference and send it. 

Don’t forget the ‘Wait’ block before moving forward to the 3rd email block. The ideal time to send the 3rd email is after two days of shopping cart abandonment. 

In the third email block, change the content, include a reminder of the coupon, and send it. 

Here is how your Shopify abandoned cart workflow would look like. 

Entire workflow in the Retainful plugin

At any stage, if the customer makes the purchase, they will immediately exit the workflow. 

Step 6: Test and go live

After the customization, return to the top of the email editor and click the ‘Send Test Email’ button to ensure all the content displays as expected in your inbox.

Testing the email in the Retainful plugin

Now, it is time to launch your Shopify abandoned cart recovery email campaign. Click on the ‘Start Workflow’ on the top right to set the workflow live.

Activating the workflow in the Retainful plugin

You have successfully created a workflow and are all set to send multiple Shopify abandoned cart emails. 

This is the power of the Shopify abandoned cart app – making the abandoned cart recovery easier and simpler.

Wrapping up!!

The ultimate act of choosing comes to picking the best Shopify abandoned cart app that aligns with your specific needs, like your marketing strategy, customer preferences, and budget. 

Retainful Shopify cart abandonment app offers easy-to-setup automation and makes your abandoned cart email campaign run on its own. You can use it to craft personalized cart recovery emails that engage and convert more. 

Weigh the options and choose the app that promises to turn those abandoned carts into successful sales.

Read more about recovering abandoned carts in Shopify.

How do I find abandoned carts on Shopify App?

In your Shopify admin, go to “Orders” and select “Abandoned Checkouts.” Here, you’ll find a list of abandoned carts, including customer details and the items they left behind. 

How do I set up an abandoned cart on Shopify?

Set up an abandoned cart recovery process in Shopify by going to “Settings,” then “Checkout.” Scroll to “Abandoned checkouts” and enable the automatic email option. Customize the email template to align with your brand and set the desired time delay for sending these emails.

How long does a cart stay active in Shopify?

A cart in Shopify remains active for 14 days unless the customer completes the purchase.

How do I email an abandoned cart on Shopify?

To email an abandoned cart, go to Shopify admin and navigate to “Orders” -> “Abandoned Checkouts.” Select a checkout and use the “Send a cart recovery email” option.

How do I trigger an abandoned cart email?

Trigger an abandoned cart email by setting up automated emails in your Shopify admin under “Settings” -> “Checkout”. Configure the timing for the email trigger, typically 1-24 hours after abandonment.

Can you resend abandoned cart emails in Shopify?

Yes, you can resend abandoned cart emails in Shopify. If the first email doesn’t convert, consider sending a follow-up email with additional incentives like discounts or free shipping to encourage completion of the purchase.

What is the average checkout abandonment rate on Shopify?

The average cart abandonment rate for online stores is 68.8%. The average value of an abandoned cart is $50. 

How much should the Shopify abandoned cart discount be?

The ideal abandoned cart discount typically ranges between 10% to 20%. This range is substantial enough to entice customers back to complete their purchase, yet moderate enough to maintain profit margins and avoid devaluing your products or brand.

How long should you wait for Shopify abandoned cart email?

For Shopify abandoned cart emails, it’s recommended to wait about 1 hour for the first email. This prompt timing capitalizes on customer interest while the shopping experience is still fresh, increasing the likelihood of converting the abandoned cart into a sale.

Can you send multiple abandoned cart emails in Shopify?

By default, Shopify’s abandoned cart recovery feature allows you to send a single email to customers who have abandoned their carts. Using a Shopify abandoned cart app, allows you to send multiple emails at varies  time intervals.