
A Guide From Experts To Create Emotional Connections With Your Customers

An emotional connection with your customers actually works!

Competition has been fiercer than ever. Many businesses are trying to get on their feet this time. At the same time, others are ramping up marketing revenue. Consumers will re-examine your efforts when they spend their money.

According to research, customer referrals increase the actual ratio thrice if they have an emotional connection with your brand. And now, the emotional connection term has become more valuable.

The brands will thrive the most in order to forge an emotional connection with their customers. With that in mind, we have come up with the steps according to the experts’ perceptive to create emotional connections with your brand.

Why does an emotional connection with your customers matter?

An emotional connection will eventually make a difference in the customers’ purchase. Emotions are the driving force behind the most buying decisions. Here are a few points that make you realize the importance of connecting your customers emotionally.

  • Nurturing emotional connections in the business will help in receiving huge new customers.
  • Reviewing the common archetypes, including nostalgia and enhancement, will help to shape the current and future marketing efforts.
  • Finding out the best emotional motivators to make up the target market worth and use the strategies to make personalized connections

According to the Small Business Administration, you can use the customers’ strong emotions to build a bond between your brand and the customers. Positive emotions are always vital for an excellent retail customer. It has a high chance of getting your customers to turn into loyal customers. They would also recommend your brand to their closed circle.

A brand’s connection with customers’ emotions can be referred to as empathy or brand intimacy. It directly affects the growth of the business, either positively or negatively. Brand intimacy always has an eye towards the reciprocating formula and has been deepened through emotions. Before the connection has been established, it is necessary to engage your customers in different ways.

Strategies to create an emotional connection between you and your customers

There are multiple ways for a company to approach the type of branding. By no means, it implies the customers and let them seek the emotional connection with the respective brands.

Before dwelling into the strategies, it is essential to glance at providing your customers a valuable route to reach their purchase goal. Many businesses simply tap into the weakness of their customers.

Firstly, you should know what emotions exactly stimulate the customers to purchase your product. Before working on the strategy to build an emotional connection, it is imperative to understand what emotional strings actually matter.

Try to move towards providing complex connect like confidence, security, and others. Deduce the emotional needs of your customers through your services or the product you provide.

Secondly, ensure that your services have been revolving around the customers. All the aspects must contribute to the brand-to-client interaction. Rather than that, the strategies must satisfy the customers’ emotional needs.

Now, let us dive into the top 3 strategies to keep in mind before establishing an emotional connection with your customers.

Be as human as possible

Every company has its own communication standards. The same type of tone gets exhibited when they enter into the Word-of-mouth marketing realm. The protocol for communication with customers needs to be familiar to the customers. It is better to have something similar to face-to-face interactions.

Now, take that interaction thing and apply it in your campaigns. It will help the customers to read more about your product and make the wise decision ahead.

Furthermore, the vast majority of the branding professionals will help you understand the importance of customers and their purchase stages. Humanizing the customers and having an emotional bond seems to be the key factor in nurturing effective thoughts as well.

A reaffirming call to action

Call to action, CTA, are tiny bits of text that eventually pave. the way to motivate the customer to act on your idea. They are nothing but simple punchlines of a website to have a strong emotional impulse to buy or subscribe to a particular product.

Recently, businesses have been creating non-impulsive CTAs and let the customers free to make them forget their brand. Before crafting a CTA, keep an eye on its language.

A warm and straightforward CTA always catches the throne!

Act according to the customers’ interest and make them ponder. Instead of forcing them to buy, provide them with good advice, and make them try your product.

Make customers partake your story

Telling a story has always been a base to connect your customers. Every brand has a story to tell. Be sure to make it amazing and emotional too. Crafting and pulling it into words and images will ensure the customer base to be as engaged as possible.

Try to craft stories that focus on the customers and let the brand be the customers’ partner to achieve great results. Before bringing your brand’s storyline, try Freytag’s Pyramid.

When you generate content, do not fail to follow the traditional pyramid of events. It comes to build a brand story ahead of time. Though it seems intimidating, the pyramid simply helps you to depict your dramatic structure of a play. Do not go behind simply boring stories to create an emotional connection.

Instead, provide them with the reason to follow your brand and be your potential customer for years.

Steps to establish the emotional bond according to the experts say

Every brand ought to forge emotional connections with its customers. It will foster retention and loyalty. We do not mind listing out the experts’ thoughts and let you know more about creating an emotional connection with your customers.

Our experts gave answers that revolve around six areas.

Let’s see what they have been spreading through.

Tell Authentic Stories

Creating and telling authentic stories has become the foremost factor to create emotional connections with your customers.

Be Vulnerable and talk about the real struggles

According to Adom Enfroy, brands need to hone in their own journey and tell a compelling story. It will surely be a connection with their audience.


Adom Enfroy does not brag about professional accomplishments. Instead, he wishes to go deep in his life’s story and speak to the real struggles. People eventually authenticate the brand and understand the truth about the brand. It becomes a vulnerable human story related to the brand.

Find a relatable story for the people to identify

According to Nikola Baldikov, humans are social creatures and thus storytelling seems an incredibly effective tool to build emotional connections.

Differentiate your brands

Businesses who ought to tell an engaging story will remain forever in the minds of the customers. People might also relate their story and bring in a long way to build strong emotional connections with their customers.

Connecting people through stories with your brand seems a founding mission to do your business. Hook up to the most interesting and touching story to attract your customers.

Time to create trust and forge real connections with testimonials

According to Tope Longe, video marketing has become one of the most effective ways to create an emotional connection. He illustrates the importance of video marketing strategy and helps businesses to make an instant emotional connection with your audience.

Customer testimonial

Anyone can come up with a blurb praising their product. It puts a picture of a strange and sticks them together. Video empowers businesses to take word-of-marketing to the next level. Testimonials always play a prominent role. When you discover how to use customer testimonials effectively for your brand/store, then you can earn benefits out of it.

We all know that it is harder to fake a video. In that case, it establishes a real person who has been willing to associate their face and name with a brand. It helps you to create trust and bring connections between you and your customers.

Remember the Human

Nothing but, it has become essential to add a human touch in all your brand promotions. Using human connection will make your brand more relatable.

Communicate with the customers in a human way

Phil Forbes maintains in giving us thoughts relating humans with our brands. According to him, handwriting always triggers a special feeling to the consumers. At times, it may become a learning phase for your customers to learn your name, write it on a card, and deliver it to you. Though it all takes around 30 seconds, you can bring a massive step in making a human to human connection.

Increase your customer retention

Iris De Geest feels that creating an emotional connection with your customers is important. It shows that you care about them. In a human relation, showing up engagement will help you know how other person feels about your brand.

Customer retention magnet

Probably, you can take a step further to respond to them in the form of new questions, advice, or confirmation. It helps you to partner with your customers. When your customers feel they are heard from you, it may be useful to nurture the emotional relationship with your customers.

Customer retention becomes the most wanted factor for a business or a company. Know how to use customer retention to improve your business in the upcoming years.

Embrace personalization

Engaging customers on a personal level will help them have clarity about your brand and will also help you convert them into the sales funnel.

Personalized connection with your customers

According to Arusik Ghambaryan, people make their purchases emotionally. It justifies their purchase with logic. You might have seen marketers sending post-emails to increase customer engagement. It seems a sort of personalization effort and tactics used in email marketing.


Other than that, here are a few tactics for you to look at.

Everyone on your subscriber list seems unique and so are the emails drafted to them. It might touch each of them personally. It may help you to convert many of your mobile visitors as subscribers to your store/brand.

  • According to recent research, sending personalized birthday offers to get 324% more revenue per email than other email campaigns.

Be Real

Being real with your brand promotion seems an advantageous factor when compared to other realms.

Have a friendly attitude

Andre Oentoro makes a fine statement about emotional connection building. He heavily relies on the genuine customer-friendly attitude of the brands.

Be friendly

When you move ahead as a friendly journey with your customers, surely they will be taken away with your gratitude. Customers can also open up with a new level of understanding and connection. It becomes a great way to make customers stick towards your site.

Irrespective of being professional in the business, you can earn respect from the customers. It does not mean to totally abandon our authentic human self. Instead, you can give your customers a delightful experience that makes them come back to your store often.

Use humor in your promotions

Mehdi Hussen has been fond of humor and found a great way to create an emotional connection. Humor always recreates the moment and its value. A well-timed humor results in brightening up the day of your customers. Say, we will not forget an amazing admixed with humor. Though it is pretty old, it remains fresh in our minds.

Other than that, the humor will make you feel relaxed. Not only for your stores, but you can also use the humor-filled email campaign. The only thing is to know how to use humor effectively in your email marketing campaign. It will surely help you out to unlock many benefits.

Understand your audience

Understanding the audience seems the best way to create an emotional connection with your customers. Other than having an emotional connection, you can always make something effective in your business when you tend to understand your audience.

Identifying your customer’s emotional triggers

According to Valerie Frolova, building an emotional connection with your customers will extremely harden the effort. On the contrary, when you understand your audience much and explore more about their emotional triggers, then eventually, there is the way.

Emotional triggers

When you identify your customer’s drive, it will make your approach prominent throughout all sales funnel stages. Understanding your customers and making them feel special seems to better the business than before.

When you are more likely to establish an emotional connection, personalize your approach based on what you have found and keep things prior. You can take a few things into consideration, including concerns, pain points, and shared values. Ensure that you have been bringing a solution or having an emotional touch with your customers through the answers you ought to bring.

Build an empathetic brand culture

Vineet Gupta speaks out about the brand culture. At ProProfs, he used to strive hard in building an empathetic culture. They used to keep the customer’s pain points at the front to plan ahead.

Build empathy

Customers would surely hate the idea of waiting and hence it seems difficult to tackle the problem. The same philosophy goes in for every business. So, it is necessary to prioritize the problems for better and faster responses.

Nurture a relationship

Nurturing a relationship with customers seems the foremost point to build an emotional connection.

Ensure to provide stellar customer support

Francois Mommens believe that excellent customer support seems paramount for an organization. As a founder, he wishes to implement the same while answering about the customer queries. He uses the same tone to answer all the customers. On the contrary, he uses a relaxed tone and module it accordingly.

Customer support

He believes that it would assemble a connection between the customers and his brand. The tone can also be more personal.

Know how your brand solves your customers’ need

Angelina Harper tries to understand how the product helps in satisfying their customers. Keeping that in your mind, you can create a specific way to communicate your social media channels through your emails and website.

Customer satisfaction

It is important to focus on the words in order to create an emotional connection. To do so, think about how you use visual branding, packaging, etc. Every little effort matters a lot and counts into your business entry.

Wrap Up

Authentic stories do have the strength to build emotional connections with their customers. Every related brand persona will engage the emotions of their audience.

Leaving the world-famous companies aside, just think about your brand and what else do you need to improvise the business profit curve. You need to make an emotional connection a prime factor to grow your business.

You can follow the expert’s idea enlisted and correlate it with your brand. Go ahead creating a plan to establish an emotional connection with your customers to stay afloat in hard times.

Picture of Monisha Thangavel
Monisha Thangavel
Monisha Thangavel is an ardent writer and a blogger carrying years of experience in different realms including eCommerce, Tech, and SEO. Her brevity rich writings flash a light upon the uncovered yet important points about WordPress and eCommerce plugins. Apart from content, Monisha spends her free time learning calligraphic writing.

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